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E-BOOK - I have created an E-Book to assist you through the Twin Flame process. Here there is an extensive guide which contains range of activations and information about the processes of the Twin Flameship and how to work your way through it. The activations contained in it is used to help shift your energetic field back into balance.









ONLINE COURSE - There is also an 8 week course for those who are wishing to have a greater depth into understanding the true dynamic of the Twin Flame process. Each week, each stage will be introduced with meditations, video guides and in-depth intensive information so that you can understand each stage and especially if you are going through it, you can help heal yourself through this process. Each stage will contain powerful activations and after the course is complete, you will be able to assist others going through the same process.


My intention is for you to feel lighter, clearer and focused back onto your path in peace, love and gratitude.

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