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What is this Twin Flame business?


Say goodbye to the life you once knew.


There have been many definitions on what the 'Twin Flame' is - how it is best described - It is an initiation in to the ascension process.  Those going through twinship would understand.


If you were led here you are most likely in one of these stages:

1. wanting to attract your twin flame - should come with a warning label

2. met your twin flame - now what


3. in divine love - nothing else matters in this world right now

4. runner/chaser - one is needy, the other repelled - working through your shadow


5. going to the extremes - when you hit breaking point it is amazing what you will do to defy


6. centering  - refocusing the journey back to self


7. getting knocked off your grids - they somehow come into your field when you're feeling amazing


8. recalibrated and centred - coming to a point where you are centered in peace no matter what

"Wherever you are on you are on your journey is perfect. The purpose of this site is to help assist you as you move through each process. Remember each person's contract is diferent. Honor yourself and the process. You are perfectly where you are meant to be."

- Jacqueline - Founder of LOVE HEALING SOULUTIONS

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