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Be careful what you wish for because it may come true. If you feel that it sits right with you to call in your twin flame then your soul is asking for a rapid spiritual growth.


Yes you will feel a deep love you have never experienced before and a feeling of oneness, if you have aspects of yourself you have not accepted, something which needs healing or worked on (the shadow self), it will come up in the twinship relationship (regardless whether you are in a relationship with them or not).


If you feel you are ready for the next step in your evolution, spirit will initiate you onto the path of ascension, it is your free will whether you choose to do the work or not.


It is intense! If you’ve called it in and know this is true for you, then you have a strong will that can handle in “challenge” that comes your way. Going through the Twin Flame dynamic has many blessings if you choose to see them. Your soul growth will be accelerated.


It’s necessary for me to explain that it isn’t easy, but if this is true for you, ask spirit to align you to your highest good, and if it’s calling in your Twin Flame, may it be gentle in its approach.  

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