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centre yourself

Find your anchor. When you can find a strategy, which may be multiple, that can anchor you straight into your heart, then no matter what you know that you can continue on this path in love and gratitude.


Align your affirmation to – “I am focused and living out my divine purpose.”



Take a moment to look at this picture and feel the energy of it. It has been activated to recalibrate your energetic system back to balance.























When you are aligned and focused on your purpose, you understand that everything that happens is what is needed for your soul purpose.


With this understanding you truly learn detachment which is an essence of spirit. It doesn’t mean completely becoming detached from all life, as you come to understand that we are all connected and one.


It is the detachment of what is holding you back from your purpose. So find something that anchors you into your heart, where you can hear the guidance of your soul.

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